Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chalet / Work

Woah, it's been quite some time since i last post my entry. First, it was my buds chalet and then work started pouring over me. First of all, sorry guys! I know i miss out a lot of fun not going for the 1B04 class chalet, but as you guys know, i had another chalet on. And they have arranged that since jan. Alright, i'll plan the next one during our holidays and we're all meet up k !

Chalet was rather fun and we booked aloha at changi to cut cost rather then the annual chalet at nsrcc which cost like 700 plus for two nights. Yea, we would have burned a big hole in our pockets if we had done that. Plus, this time round we didn't have a water bomb fight! Anyway, ray drove us to the chalet after some grocery shopping at bedok central. Well, i have confident in his driving.. i could skip the additional insurance part. Then during BBQ, jerome came with his small yellow car which was tunned. So ray took it for a test drive while picking kenny up. Of course, he started dragging the car and the engine was bomming away. Conclusion, give me 4 more months and i'll get my licence. (: Next all about work. Well, i guess it has been alright with my friends working along with me and to be honest it has been rather interesting. We could watch movies while we're free and the lunch/dinner was delicious. Moreover, the processing guys are nice and we get along well. We even came out with nicknames (accordind to girls school) as it is easiler to remember. Guess what.. darren aka TKGS. That's what i'm called in that LT. I'm aware that we do some times lodge a complain some time in our lives as consumer because of our displeasure but what i'm trying to put across is that the way we do that should be appropriate. For example, a complain with other customer around shouldn't be shouting at a distance, filled vulgarities and than storming out of the place. Doesn't that show the perfect example of an uncouth behavior and inconsideration for others. It's not wrong to complain but we should at least behavior in an appropriate manner. I guess, once in a while we would wittness such behaviour as such incidents are inevitable as we all have different trash hold levels. (: